Best ever Thai salad {with cilantro nutty dressing}

I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THIS SALAD!!! I’m not sure where to start, Um, Amazing? Deliciousness? best lunch ever?? The cilantro nutty dressing is like so addictive, it’s creamy, cilantro-y, and of course, nutty! Just all around a really good salad. I hope you give it a try! It may just be your next go-to lunch.

The greens for this salad is also what’s tops it off, on the bottom it’s a super mix of 5 baby greens that we mixed with arugula. Then we topped it off with arugula micro greens witch are amazing!!

Ok, this coconut chicken y’all is smothered in coconut shreds that’s been toasted in grass fed butter and topped with both black and white sesame seeds with amazing seasonings like ginger and garlic. Why wouldn’t this salad taste amazing?

Is this dressing healthy?

Yes! Yes it is, with all the good for you fats in the almond butter, the gut healthy probiotics in the coconut aminos and ACV, and the amazing health benefits in cilantro, ginger, and garlic. You have a power house of nutrients right there!!

What’s the best nut butter to use?

We like using half peanut butter and half almond butter, but really feel free to try others!! Even sunflower seed butter taste delicious!!

Makes 6 salads, takes about 20 minutes.

What’s in the salad?

For the Chicken:

  • 2 chicken breast
  • 1/3 cup coconut shreds
  • 4 ya spoons grass fed butter
  • 1 Tbs granulated garlic
  • 2 teaspoons ginger, powdered
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 Tbs black sesame seeds
  • 2 Tbs white sesame seeds
  • Salt to taste

For the Salad dressing:

  • 2/3 cup nut butter*
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 bunch fresh cilantro
  • 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoon coconut aminos
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger
  • Pinch of salt
  • Water if needed

How do ya make it?

  1. For the Chicken: In a medium sized pan on medium-high heat, melt butter and add coconut shreds. Toast coconut shreds for about 3minutes while continually stirring to prevent burning.
  2. Cut chicken breast in 1inch cubes then add to coconut shreds. Season with garlic, ginger, pepper, and both sesame seeds.
  3. For the salad dressing: place all the ingredients in blender, blend on medium high until completely smooth (adding water if needed).
  4. Assemble your salad with the chicken and dressing, add in some cucumbers or extra sesame seeds or coconut shreds for more textures and overall enjoyment:).

Notes: *we used half peanut butter and half almond butter.

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