Rose water lemonade {with spherical hibiscus mint ice}

Ok, I might need to just make a website just on spherical ice, isn’t this just to fun? Thanks to my sister Paisley for helping me out on these! Check out this cold brew earl grey latte with sheprical coffee bomb.

I even made some spheres with edible flowers in it and we dropped them in a big lemonade dispenser and it looked so beautiful. That will have to be the next post.

Perfect for these hot summer days!!

Why rose water?

Rose water is not only tasty, but is also very beneficial to your health!! Rose water is high in antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. That means it’s great for:

  • Soothes skin irritation.
  • Soothes sore throats.
  • Reduces skin redness.
  • Helps prevent and treats infections.
  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Heals cuts, scars, and burns.
  • Enhances mood.
  • Relieves headaches.
  • Soothes digestion.
  • Contains anti-aging properties.

Lemons are also amazing for your health, like high in vitamin c, energizing, detoxifying, and much much more.

Spherical Hibiscus mint ice.

Hibiscus has high antioxidants compounds known as anthocyanins and quercetin glucoside, thats why it has such a beautiful color! It’s also the reason it has so many health benefits. Antioxidants are antibacterial, antimicrobial, and fight off free radicals found in our bodies, making hibiscus a great detoxifying beverage (or spherical ice:). Mint also has a lot of health benefits, like Digestion aid, Treats colds and fevers, Cooling and/or warming effect, Boost metabolism, Anti-cancer properties, Reduces headaches, Treats acne, and more.

How to make this delicious drink:

1}. Make hibiscus tea: add 2 tablespoons of loose leaf hibiscus to 2 cups boiling water and let steep then cool. Now place mint leaves in spherical molds. Pour cooled hibiscus in spheres according to the molds instructions.

2}. Make rose water lemonade by squeezing 2 large lemons in a pitcher. In a heat proof container melt 1 cup sugar by pouring 1 cup boiling water over the top. After the sugar melts add it to the pitcher and fill the rest with cold water, now add 1/4 cup rose water and stir. Fill glasses with rose water lemonade.

3}. Time for the hibiscus mint bomb!! Ready for it…

Now drop!

Yum!!! Enjoy!!!

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